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Students will learn how to take their ideas from concept to reality through 3D printing and 3D design. This class focuses on the fundamental underlying technologies in digital fabrication through the use CAD and 3D printing technologies. The course will be composed of a three week long virtual class with interactive lectures, games, and class work, during which students will use their learnings to design and print multiple 2D and 3D models created in CAD. Class syllabus and lesson principle will be attached. (Payment will be processed after registration). 

The next class runs from July 11th to August 1st. 10 separate virtual meetings occur on: 
              - Mondays          5:30 - 6:30 PM    2 Instructors
              - Wednesdays   10:30 - 11:30 PM   1 Instructor 
              - Fridays             10:30 - 11:30 PM   1 Instructor 

Class syllabus and Lesson Principles covered include:
Types of 3D Printers
               - Mechanics and Functions of your 3D Printer
               - Overview of Setting up your 3D Printer (Including Bed                        Leveling)
               - How your 3D Printer Works (Technical, engineering-                            focused)
               - How to Get Free Printable Designs
               - Designing 2D Models in CAD
               - Designing 3D Models in CAD
               - Modifying CAD Designs for 3D Printing
               - Taking Your CAD Model and “Slicing” it for Your 3D Printer
               - Picking the right Slicing Settings
               - Deciding Which Material to Use
               - Troubleshooting Printer Issues
               - Redesigning
               - Modeling Creativity Exercises
               - Lessons in Engineering
               - Collaboration and lots of Games

We’re excited for the opportunity to work with you!

Classes: Services
Classes: Services
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